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Configure map products

Available with Defense Mapping license.

The Map Production System web app can export various types of map products. Each map product has settings that can be configured.

  1. Access the MPS web app's settings.
  2. In the Product Settings section, click the Product name text box and choose a product from the list.

    You can also provide a search term in the Product name text box to filter the list.

  3. Click Add Add to add the map product as an available output in the app.

    The map product that was added is listed in the Product Settings section and needs to be configured.

  4. Click the map product's drop-down arrow.
  5. Click the Area of Interest Layer text box and choose an area of interest (AOI).

    You can provide a search term in the Area of Interest Layers text box to filter the list.

  6. Click the Basemap text box and choose a basemap.

    If the Use portal-configured basemaps check box is checked in the General Settings section, the basemaps configured in the associated portal appear in the list.


    You can provide a search term in the Basemap list to filter the items in the list.

  7. In the Extent section, provide the map's center coordinates.
  8. Provide a numerical string value in the Scale text box.

    This value specifies the zoom level of the app's map. For example, a value of 0 would open the map at its full extent, and a value of 5 would open the map at an extent equivalent to zooming in five times when using the zoom controls on the map.

  9. Click the Map Layers drop-down arrow and check the check boxes for the AOI grid layers that you want to be visible for the map product.

    Checked layers are removed when you switch to the Export tab and their display order on the Map tab corresponds to their order in the map that was shared from ArcGIS Pro when the topographic service was published.


    If AOI layers that aren't supposed to be visible in the app appear on the app's map, review the web map in your ArcGIS organization's portal to ensure that the layers are not checked and that the web map is checked. The web map settings in your organization's portal override the MPS app settings.

  10. Click the Product Versions drop-down arrow to review a list of the map products available.
  11. Click a map product's drop-down arrow to review the configuration for its Export Formats and Parameter Overrides.
    Map products in the Product Versions node with MTM_100K map product expanded to show Export Formats and Parameter Overrides nodes

    Export Formats and Parameter Overrides appear.

Configure export formats

The formats and corresponding output file types that the app can export must be configured for each map product.

  1. Click Settings Settings for the map product's Export Formats and choose which formats are available to export in the app.
    Available formats include:
    • APRX
    • PAGX
    • PDF
    • PPKX
    • TIFF

    Click Restore defaults Restore defaults to make all of the formats available.

  2. Click the Export Formats drop-down arrow to review which formats are available and configure output files for each format.

    By default, there aren't any output files configured.

  3. Click Settings Settings to modify the format's output files.

    A list with check boxes appears.

  4. Check the check boxes for the output file types that you want to include.
    Available types include:
    • APRX
    • DEM
    • GDB
    • PAGX

    Click Restore defaults Restore defaults to remove all of the types from a format.

  5. Click Close Close to return to the Export Formats list.

    Output files are configured and available as an option for the map product specified in the app.

  6. Click Update to save the changes or click Close to close the dialog box.

    You can also reset all of the settings that have been configured.

The Map Production System dialog box closes and the MPS app opens with the settings you configured.

Configure parameter overrides

Parameter overrides must be configured for each map product.

  1. Click the Parameter Overrides drop-down arrow to review configured overrides and their value.

    Values configured in this section override the value specified in a map product's JSON. By default, parameter overrides are not configured.


    You can click Parameter Overrides to rename this section. This name appears in the app.

  2. Click Settings Settings for Parameter Overrides to choose what operations will have parameter overrides.

    A list of operations with check boxes appears.

  3. Check the operation check boxes that you want to configure parameter overrides for and close the list.

    Click Restore previous selection Restore previous selection to revert the operation check box selection to the last time the app's settings were updated.

    The operation check box selection appears under Parameter Overrides. You can click the name of the operation to rename it. This name appears in the app.

  4. Click the operation's drop-down arrow to review parameter override configurations.

    By default, there aren't any configurations.

  5. Click Settings Settings for an operation to choose which parameters you can configure with an overriding value.

    A list of parameters with check boxes appears.

  6. Check the parameter check boxes that you want to configure and close the list.

    Click Restore previous selection Restore previous selection to revert the parameter check box selection to the last time the app's settings were updated.

    The parameter check box selection appears under the operation. You may need to click the operation drop-down arrow to review the parameters.

  7. Provide a name in the Label text box.

    This is the parameter label and the name you provide appears in the app.

  8. Click the parameter's Choice List icon Settings to configure the overriding value.

    The default label and value appears in the Enter Label text box and Enter Value text box, respectively.

  9. Update the values in the Enter Label text box and Enter Value text box with override specifics.

    These can be the same. The name you provide in the Enter Label text box appears as the overriding option in the app and the value you provide in the Enter Value text box overrides the map product JSON parameter value if this parameter override is chosen in the app.

  10. Provide more overrides as necessary.
  11. Optionally, check a different row's check box to make that row the default.
  12. Optionally, click Delete Override Value Delete in a row to delete it.
  13. Click outside of the Choice List options to return to the app's settings.
  14. Optionally, uncheck the Display check box to hide the parameter override in the app. This is checked by default.
  15. Optionally, click Delete Parameter Override Delete on a parameter override configuration to delete it.
  16. Click Update to save the changes or click Close to close the dialog box.

    You can also reset all of the settings that have been configured.

The Map Production System dialog box closes and the MPS app opens with the settings you configured.

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